Courts (PNG) Limited i Port Moresby

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Spring Garden Road, Port Moresby, PG Papua-Neuguinea
Kontakter telefon: +675 302 5800
Latitude: -9.4521434, Longitude: 147.1950542
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Kommentar 5

  • Berry Lemot

    Berry Lemot


    Use to be an iconic value for money shop,but no more

  • Kavana Roy

    Kavana Roy


    For cheap prices I'd always go here. Other stores this days go way over the consumer ability to buy

  • Francis Vista N Kawage

    Francis Vista N Kawage


    The Cheapest in town. From hardware to homeware. Also quality used items at very...very CHEAP prices!

  • Steve Highlander

    Steve Highlander


    We love Courts. It is s Mimi mall with several businesses inside, including a pharmacy, liquor store, local clothing, Png artists, cellular services, electronics, etc. They also have a nice oriental dinner and a coffee shop. Good products and good prices. Clean store. Upstairs they have crazy Joe's a return and closeout discount center with lots of everything from toys to tools, appliances to furniture. They also have fair price furniture where we by most of our furniture and appliances.

  • S Ugava

    S Ugava


    A shop called 'John's Crazy Prizes Indoor Market' is selling imported hardware goods. Almost all the goods have a history of been faulty or history of been unwanted prior to this shelf life. There is no issues about declaration of this history. However I believe the retail prices are completely exorbitant. It may be rightly so based on their overheads, perhaps but it begs the question that another pricing strategy could be worth exploring. The name is definitely misleading.

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