Kopitiam i Port Moresby

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Port Moresby, Papua Ny Guinea
Kontakter telefon: +675 7031 3379
Hjemmeside: www.facebook.com
Latitude: -9.4511332, Longitude: 147.1875333
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Kommentar 5

  • Jessica Avel

    Jessica Avel


    The food is good. I wished there were more vegetarian options though.

  • Kalden Yhonjan

    Kalden Yhonjan


    Busy but fast service good food

  • ezzard torobert

    ezzard torobert


    Pleasant decor, cheap but good food, airconditioning, security

  • justsebastian



    Located in North Waigani as you can see from the map app. It is a Malaysian food outlet that serves rice and flour (noodles) based diet. Mainly Chinese type of food. Nice and clean place to relax and have a conversation before and during meals or browse the internet through the WiFi provided. The receipt from your purchase has the numbers or alphanumeric characters that you enter to access the WiFi. Worth a visit.

  • Valerie Baru

    Valerie Baru


    A nice setting conveniently located, great place for coffee catch ups. With any purchase made you receive the password for access to their wifi. Lovely BBQ & Roast pork & duck

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PNG Mining and Petroleum Hospitality Services Ltd.

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