Shady Rest Hotel i Port Moresby

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Taurama Road, Port Moresby, PG Papua-Nowa Gwinea
Kontakter telefon: +675 323 0000
Latitude: -9.4716987, Longitude: 147.191906
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Kommentar 5

  • geoff hodges

    geoff hodges


    I went to the restaurant...great Indian food

  • Titus Girau

    Titus Girau


    Still old fashioned carports and needs more space. Congested at most times

  • Patricia Kila

    Patricia Kila


    Went for lunch at Indian restaurant. The service was good but the food esp naan bread didnt taste fresh and not worth the money paid. Quality has gone down.

  • Sandy Hill

    Sandy Hill


    Good value,clean rooms and quiet atmosphere

  • Sambit Mohanty

    Sambit Mohanty


    Adequate Rooms. The Cellar is a nice joint. Quite & Quaint. Very amicable owner- Mr Iqbal - well traveled man with many stories who takes the pain of interacting with every customer. Decent fare in terms of food - nothing to boast about. Has an outlet of Mr Mike's Pizza within its premises. The Dessert department requires an overhaul. Convenience will ensure I revisit the location. : )

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