Airways Hotel i Port Moresby

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Jackson Intl Airport, Jacksons Parade, 7 Mile, Boroko, Port Moresby 111, Papúa Nueva Guinea
Kontakter telefon: +675 324 5200
Latitude: -9.450459, Longitude: 147.216486
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Kommentar 5

  • Tim Siegenbeek van Heukelom

    Tim Siegenbeek van Heukelom


    Excellent hotel. Love the lemongrass smell throughout the hotel. Great rooms and outstanding staff. Always a pleasure to stay.

  • Caleb Plunkett

    Caleb Plunkett


    Very good hotel close to airport. Rooms are large, clean, comfortable and air conditioning works well. Good range of dining options and many other amenities. Internet is relatively slow, not sure if this is hotel related or just because it's PNG. That's really the only reason not to give it 5 stars. Gym is very good with pool, tennis and squash courts.

  • Nilson Singh

    Nilson Singh


    One of the best hotels we stayed in! Service is top notch! We stayed for 7 nights and were looked after really well.

  • Penzance Benjamin Tamakin

    Penzance Benjamin Tamakin


    The location is just perfect. Less than 3 minutes away for the airport. The view is just wow. Food is exquisitely delicious. Activities are available. Neatness and cleanliness is at 99.6%. A place to be in Port Morseby...

  • Eggert Gunnarsson

    Eggert Gunnarsson


    Airways Hotel is a world on its own. Fantastic facilities and restaurants that gives the traveller everything he or she needs. There is almost no need to leave the hotel if relaxation is what is being sought after. The hotel is next to the airport. But the city of Port Moresby is worth visiting.

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