Ela Beach Hotel i Port Moresby

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Ela Beach Road, 111, Port Moresby, PG Papua New Guinea
Kontakter telefon: +675 321 2100
Hjemmeside: www.coralseahotels.com.pg
Latitude: -9.4793899, Longitude: 147.1546653
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Kommentar 5

  • Douglas Norris

    Douglas Norris


    What a great friendly boutique in terrific spot across the road from the Pacific ocean. Staff are helpful and food is good. Book the rooms in the tower if available!

  • Anthony Morant

    Anthony Morant


    Easy and close proximity to the famous Ela Beach, this is the ideal hotel for beach lovers

  • Kevin Shillington

    Kevin Shillington


    Nice staff, decent accommodation and restaurant.

  • Vetau Faustina Roga

    Vetau Faustina Roga


    The beach side brassier has a really poor customer service. Their restaurant staff don't smile...Only converse or make conversation with the white folk. What's new in PNG hospitality? Our meal had very little salt. The parmesan chicken tasted like pork because the cheese was off and the tomatoes sauce was sour. There is no meet and greet, all Staff on a Sunday and especially a mothers day had a very dry welcome with no emotion.. I found the service very amusing. Thanks Vetau

  • Rosemary Rupa

    Rosemary Rupa


    My partner and I are regulars at the Ela Beach Restaurant but my concern is the customer service given at the pool side, is so slow. And talk about the ladies toilet is just so disgusting and not well managed. There is seriously no paper towel to dry your hands and the toilet is just so filthy.

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