Holiday Inn & Suites i Port Moresby

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Port Moresby, Papua-Nowa Gwinea
Kontakter telefon: +675 303 2000
Latitude: -9.4459027, Longitude: 147.1820086
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Kommentar 5

  • Michael M. Boyacii

    Michael M. Boyacii


    Relaxed atmosphere with friendly staff.

  • Ricky Simona

    Ricky Simona


    Good setup, restaurants have good variety, excellent gym and squash courts.

  • G Hutch

    G Hutch


    A great place to stay, if you want to fork out the cash for a little bit extra. The rooms are spacious and well kept, and the dining room always puts on a good spread. There is a lovely pool area to relax in, and the staff are extremely helpful.

  • Alvin Wong

    Alvin Wong


    Good hotel. But it's old. So just keep that in mind and you'll have a good time

  • Dylan Wilson

    Dylan Wilson


    Stayed in the apartments, the rooms are very nice and the staff are very friendly I do recommend staying there if you are visiting or working in POM. Only downside is the food menu never seems to change and isn't of the highest quality, this is ok in the apartments as you have a kitchen. And that they never loaded my points fully on my card after almost a years stay. The gym is well equipped as well and they have markets once a month that have some fantastic craftsmanship.

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