Jack Pidik Park i Port Moresby

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Hubert Murray Highway, Port Moresby, PG Papúa Nueva Guinea
Kontakter telefon: +675
Latitude: -9.4596329, Longitude: 147.1986183
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Kommentar 5

  • em nau

    em nau


    An empty place or park. It is most often used by nearby residents to do a game of touch and some form of exercise mostly after work. Open air meetings are also held here mostly at night. It needs some improvement such as installing seating benches, perhaps putting up some wash rooms and upgrading the surface of the playing field and improving the lawn. Towards Christmas coloured lights in the shape of palms and other types of plants are placed here to light up the place. If the K3 million from National Capital District Commission can be used here to upgrade this area it would be worthwhile - walk of life yoga starts here early on Sunday mornings. Not anymore they have moved on to Murray Barracks

  • Terence Hetinu

    Terence Hetinu


    Many basic facilities missing here. Needs improvement by the city authority

  • justsebastian



    Nothing much in terms of facilities like benches to sit down on and wash rooms that you find in a Park or Parks. Just an open space, part of which had been fenced (This is under dispute). The place is usually used for public gatherings, sports practise and exercise by groups of people. Towards the western end of the field you will find a number of used cars being displayed by the local owners for sale during the day. Lights are nornally set up here during the Christmas period. Walk for life starts here at 5.00 am each morning on a Sunday. It is also used by people to do learn driving. It has potential if it is developed. The park is named after the late Jack Pidik former operations manager of Air Niugini.

  • adek keiren

    adek keiren


    Tempat umum yg sore hari ramai buat orang berolahraga

  • Mcjones Endiken

    Mcjones Endiken


    Nice park that hosts live ruby shows.. Security there is an issue that needs to be considered. Not safe on crowdy conditions..

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