Stop and Shop Waigani Central i Port Moresby

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Banksia Street, Port Moresby, PG Papua New Guinea
Kontakter telefon: +675
Latitude: -9.4544024, Longitude: 147.1871223
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Kommentar 5

  • geoff hodges

    geoff hodges


    A new supermarket thatbhas just opened. Clean bright. Worth a visit

  • Helena Bonjui

    Helena Bonjui


    Evidence of rats. No AC. Great customer service. Great prices.

  • Dave Jarvis

    Dave Jarvis


    Good selection of food. Hardware Haus next door as well as Jacks, which is a good clotges store. Paradise cinema is also in this compound. Paradise cinema shows the latest movies

  • Lillian Mainumbu

    Lillian Mainumbu


    I love this place especially the cinema, DSW and jacks of PNG coolest place to shop and of course watch the latest movies.

  • Jarry Anuk

    Jarry Anuk


    Hi SnS comprises of super market, hardware store n Jack's clothing store, cinema. It's along main freeway.. central area of city.Rating...3/10 In vicinity there 2 banks, fuel station, vehicle parts stores, restaurant fast food,computer shops, airline office, meat house...

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