Vision City Mega Mall i Port Moresby

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Waigani Drive, Port Moresby, PG Papua New Guinea
Kontakter telefon: +675 302 8555
Latitude: -9.4378825, Longitude: 147.1814622
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Kommentar 5

  • Bixby Bokuik

    Bixby Bokuik


    The mall has everything but very expensive. Furthermore, the security company they contracted is over doing their job where they create more traffic jam. Prior arrangement was better than current

  • Frederick Francisco

    Frederick Francisco


    Wants to stroll? Come and visit this mall then hop in to food store and for other things what ever you wanted in there. Have a nice day!

  • Molen Andy

    Molen Andy


    Centrally located in the city. Safe, secure with all major services in one place.

  • Eggert Gunnarsson

    Eggert Gunnarsson


    Vision City is a hub of activity. The shops cater for many things. The restaurants range from being ok to rather good. The Paradise Cinema runs a very resonable selection of films and the most popular ones of the Hollywood kind find their way there. For those who like night clubs the Cosmopolitan is probably rather good. Vision City is a one stop shop and connected to the Stanley Hotel.

  • Otto Melzig

    Otto Melzig


    Champions sports bar at vision city is a great place to meet people away from from the crowds who chose to live in a bubble surrounded by excessive security. Safe, fun vibe and awesome service.

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