Grand Papua Hotel And Spa i Port Moresby

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Mary Street, Port Moresby, PG Papua New Guinea
Kontakter telefon: +675 304 0000
Latitude: -9.478852, Longitude: 147.150557
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Kommentar 5

  • Dencio LasPinas

    Dencio LasPinas


    The Place is overpriced. The food is not 5 star although the prices are. You get better meals from a cafe? Or Big Rooster. Breakfast which starts at 6:00am is not ready untill 6:30am. Order medium rare steak and well done. Really only pub meals and low grade at that. The Cheaper Sister the Ela Beach gives better meals. Very disapointed. The staff are really nice.

  • Shamalka Liyanage

    Shamalka Liyanage


    There was a hair in a Chicken burger which I didn't take too seriously assuming that it was a genuine mistake and this morning there was a tip of a nail inside the beaked beans or omlette. I'm still in as a guest but no one has spoken to me about it though I've complained. Thoroughly disgusting!!

  • Sonali Vyas

    Sonali Vyas


    Five star hotel with good services... Food is good but limited options for a vegetarian. Rooms are spacious, have a kitchen counter and a balcony overlooking the sea. We enjoyed our stay here.

  • David Munaga

    David Munaga


    Thoroughly enjoyed my evening dinner with family and friends with a full course buffet menu. The food was great, staff were neat, friendly and helpful. Lovely and pleasant surrounding for private or business function's. Reasonable pricing on everything. A bar and balcony to enjoy and relax. Will definitely return for another special occasion.

  • Vetau Faustina Roga

    Vetau Faustina Roga


    Had buffet dinner with family. Love the lamb, cold salads and desserts. Great service and friendly staff at the restaurant. The door man was friendly plus the guards outside were welcoming. I would not say the same for the front counter staff. They seemed distant and did not pay attention to customers coming in and going out.

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