Skole nær ved -9.45392, 147.178443

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Port Moresby International High School

Port Moresby
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KoroBoro International School

Korobosea Drive, Port Moresby
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ELA Murray International School

Gabaka Street, Port Moresby
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South Bridge International Schpol

Port Moresby
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Institute of Christian Academy

Huala Pl., Port Moresby
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Ni-Van Tailoring

Laurabada Avenue, Port Moresby
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St Joseph's International Catholic College

Bau Bau Street, Port Moresby
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Bava International School & Kindergarten

Cnr Taurama Rd & Turua Ave, Boroko, Port Moresby
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Boroko East International School

Boroko Drive, Port Moresby
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Australia-Pacific Technical College

Port Moresby
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IEA College of TAFE, Ela Beach Campus

Ela Beach Road, Port Moresby
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Don Bosco Technological Institute

Taurama Road, Port Moresby
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Eki Vaki Primary School Hohola

Port Moresby
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Jubilee Catholic Secoundary School

Hibiscus Street, Port Moresby
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Sacred Heart Catholic Primary School Hohola

Port Moresby
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Harmony Christian School

3, Cedar Street, Port Moresby
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De Lasalle - Basketball Court

Port Moresby
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Hohola Demonstration Primary School

Poreporena Freeway, Port Moresby
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Salvation Army Officer Training College

Hohola, Port Moresby
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Asia Pacific Institute (APIASETS)

Maple Street, Port Moresby
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