Port Moresby International High School i Port Moresby

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Boroko, Port Moresby, Papua-Nowa Gwinea
Kontakter telefon: +675 325 3166
Latitude: -9.4683279, Longitude: 147.2077947
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Kommentar 5

  • Zee Nonggorr

    Zee Nonggorr


    Great school: academics, extra curricular - students should really make use of being there

  • Sandra Waibe

    Sandra Waibe


    Best school! Very enjoyable and happy learning environment! Friendly staff and students!

  • Leonora Geberi

    Leonora Geberi


    Its a great school! But wish there weren't a lot of steps in school to and from classes.

  • Enosh Amof

    Enosh Amof


    Is great in terms of its resources and stuff, but the only downside is the general attitude of many of us. We have everyting but we'r very lazy and dont to our work. Plus afew of the new teachers have difficulty adjusting to the way things are done here, both local and expatriates.

  • Immanuel Tokauba

    Immanuel Tokauba


    it was a long experience going to school there... it was hard but i managed through the years :)

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