Star Mountain Plaza i Port Moresby

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Port Moresby, Papua-Nowa Gwinea
Kontakter telefon: +675
Latitude: -9.450002, Longitude: 147.1796853
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Kommentar 5

  • justsebastian



    The position at which this building is placed goes a little way against the policy of constructing of buildings in a town or city. Government appears to be bending many of its own rules and regulations not only in the construction of this building but also in other areas as well.

  • Dave Harton

    Dave Harton


    How can this place even get a review? It is not even built yet! When it is it will be very nice though. Check back in September

  • Terence Hetinu

    Terence Hetinu


    I'm upgrading it to a three (3) Star rating now. It's taking shape and looking beautiful. It should put up a good competition for the other hotels.

  • Movie Master

    Movie Master


    Because it is a major development in the country and in my suburb,it makes PNG to go to a new level

  • geoff hodges

    geoff hodges


    Dont go there yet. I am working there constructing the place. The place is due to open in August 2018 coinciding with the opening of the APEC summit. Suggest that somebody may have created the place on Google maps a bit too early It will be flash when it opens

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