Lamana Hotel i Port Moresby

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Waigani Drive, Port Moresby, PG Papua New Guinea
Kontakter telefon: +675 323 2333
Latitude: -9.44213, Longitude: 147.180129
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Kommentar 5

  • Theresa Endy

    Theresa Endy


    I have been there just once before but going back now, the place has really changed. I would recommend business to have your meetings and conference here, met your clients and do business while having your meals in this place. Only improvement needed is that not to have more that four trainees serving a table as you do not order once but you are kept repeating the same order to more than one person which was a little frustrating.

  • Royston Gaga

    Royston Gaga


    Decent hotel but with great social amenities and really good food. Only premium wifi works well.

  • Gwendolyn Ban

    Gwendolyn Ban


    Stayed at the old section of the hotel which needs some renovation. The bathroom sink was clogged and asked them to fix in the morning which they didn't until in the night. Would have appreciated it if I was moved to another room as I was staying for a week. Otherwise, loved the restaurants.

  • Samson Filfi

    Samson Filfi


    Best hotel to be. I bet you won't regret your stay there.

  • Solo Kaivepa

    Solo Kaivepa


    Friendly stuff ready to assist with a smiley face and attend to all your queries. Rooms are lovely well kept thanks to the great stuff in house keeping. Great place to rest your head after a night of partying at the Party Capital Lamana which is located in the same area.

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