National Football Stadium i Port Moresby

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Port Moresby, Papua New Guinea
Kontakter telefon: +675 7550 1536
Latitude: -9.4690597, Longitude: 147.1985304
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Kommentar 5

  • sobhan babu

    sobhan babu


    Watched women's u19 world cup there and it was awesome.

  • Robbzs Longbut

    Robbzs Longbut


    Good field conditions and world-class facilities

  • justsebastian



    Any other times when there are no sporting events you would be required to write a formal letter for approval to visit the stadium. You will be lucky if someone in there knows you. Otherwise it is a sacred place like the hausman/haus tambaran. This stadium has hosted the World Cup Rugby League 2017 where PNG Kumuls played Wales, Ireland, USA and a number of SP Hunters games during the year in 2017. Good thing about it is that it is free of betel nut vendors and betel nut stains.

  • S Ugava

    S Ugava


    Preallocated seats were a great idea. Very convenient to find the seat you paid for.

  • Rutha-Meu Omenefa

    Rutha-Meu Omenefa


    Big stadium and safe for family to go and watch footy. Outer stands don't have overhead shelter so I suggest the main grandstand Wodehouse be the best to sit and watch footy.

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