The Sanctuary Hotel Resort and Spa i Port Moresby

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121, Pipit Street, 121, Port Moresby, PG Papua Ny Guinea
Kontakter telefon: +675 303 7400
Latitude: -9.4208196, Longitude: 147.1874192
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Kommentar 5

  • niffrey go

    niffrey go


    Good place to stay in Papua New Guinea. Food is just ok. Nice landscape, lots of birds in the aviary. Nice pool. Good lightings in the evening.

  • Paula Cholai

    Paula Cholai


    Like an oasis.... Soon as you enter the gate, you're in a different atmosphere!!

  • Alikingasi Papaol

    Alikingasi Papaol


    The staff are professional and very friendly regardless of whether you are a local or international guest. The rooms are great, the bed very soft and the food is just unique and awesome! It truly is a sanctuary in the city.

  • LM Bakani

    LM Bakani


    Great place. A must for anyone who wants quiteness n relaxation

  • Bernard Kay

    Bernard Kay


    This place really lives up to the name Sanctuary. It truly is a sanctuary in the middle of Port Moresby. The staff can't do enough to make your stay the best experience. We loved the rooms, the food and the atmosphere. Staff were truly very friendly and helpful. We had a little problem with visa's and the manager took it upon himself to sort everything out for us so good.

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